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          Incremente la productividad de su base de taxis, garantice la mejor experiencia a sus usuarios, a través de la tecnología móvil.[:en]Increase the productivity of your taxi base, guarantee the best experience for your users through mobile technology.

          General description

          Taxi app

          The taxi app is responsible for offering cab sites and centers a solution that allows them to be more efficient in response times to user service requests, based on real-time monitoring of their units and their geographic location.

          Main objective of the taxi app

          The Taxi base system solution – Taximático has been designed to provide cab users and cab drivers with a friendly application where both parties benefit from the use of the application.

          The flow is as follows: The person interested in using a cab service, searches in its application for the nearest cab to his current location, by means of technology (GPS, OR GPRS) and proceeds to send him the invitation. This is the importance of the taxi app.

          For its part, the cab app offers that the cab driver decides whether to provide the service or not, if the answer is correct, it goes to the address indicated by the user, upon arrival at the place is identified and proceeds to perform its services, the system allows following the shortest route or with less vehicular traffic, for its part the user can share their location or recommend the service via social networks. In turn, through the web portal, the cab site can be monitoring the route of their cab drivers.

          Benefits for the user (Passenger):

          • Decrease in the time of the customer’s call to the Call Center (average time from 2-3 min to less than 1 min).
          • Guarantee of the assignment of the closest cab to the place where the service was requested.
          • Reduction in the time of search, assignment and arrival of the cab.
          • Low noise pollution.
          • Reliability and security in the vehicle information provided.

          For the driver

          • Increased service assignment.
          • The cab app allows the reduction of running costs, fuel consumption and general wear and tear of the vehicle due to unnecessary trips, due to the assignment of the service to the nearest cab.
          • Elimination of errors or favoring of dispatches due to dispatcher preference.
          • Autonomous administration and monitoring of the entire online operation.

          Benefits for the cab company:

          • Increased number of users attended per minute, due to the accuracy and speed in the location of the mobiles through the GPS system.
          • Increased customer base due to the efficiency, safety and responsibility in the service.
          • Control and administration of the services assigned to each cab, generating statistics and management reports and management indicators.
          • Establishment of zones and schedules with the highest demand for services.
          • Personalized access via WEB and WAP for the owner of the vehicle and administrative area of the cab company.
          • Detailed cartography, georeferencing of clients and points of interest.
          • Due to the efficiency of the technological solution, affiliation of more cab owners, guaranteeing a greater number of services and advantages.
          • Thanks to this solution, the use of radio frequencies is avoided and, therefore, the interception of a single driver in each service.
          • Advantages for the owner of the unit:
          • The unit owner will be able to monitor his unit in real time.
          • He will know the driving habits of the driver of the unit.
          • He will monitor if he is actually working on the assigned schedule.
          • Know if the driver enters risk zones.
          • Determine risk zones with geofences.
          • It will know the real fuel expense.

          Environmental benefits of the Taxi App:

          • By using the TAXI MS app continuously, cabs will be able to reduce their dead rolling by 20%, so that 50 kilometers per day can be reduced to the circulation of free cabs. This means a significant reduction of CO2 emissions in Mexico City. Vehicles emit 150 grams of CO2 per kilometer.
          • The estimated reduction means, for a cab driver’s guild such as the Federal District, which has about 130,000 units, a reduction in CO2 emissions of approximately 1,000 tons per day, which is equivalent to between 360,000 and 370,000 tons per day.
          • 360,000 to 370,000 tons per year.
          • Reduction of wear and tear and consumption of tires, oil (whose recycling problems are increasing) and spare parts.
          • Information protection

          Systems based on the Mobility ONE platform have the capacity to exchange data with a constant flow of information in online time.
          Data transmission is based on encryption under proprietary security algorithms for operation on mobile devices, which is what the taxi app works with.


          Benefits for the user (Passenger):

          Reduction in the time of the customer’s call to the Call Center. (Average time 2-3 min to less than 1 min).

          Guarantee of the assignment of the closest taxi to the place where the service was requested.

          Decrease in the time of search, assignment and arrival of the taxi.

          Decrease in noise pollution.

          Reliability and security in the vehicle information provided


          Benefits for the driver:

          Increase in the allocation of services.

          Reduction of route costs, fuel consumption and general use of the vehicle due to unnecessary travel, due to the assignment of the service to the nearest taxi.

          Elimination of errors or favoring dispatches due to the preference of dispatchers.

          Autonomous administration and monitoring of the entire online operation.


          Benefits for the Taxi company:

          Greater number of user attention per minute, due to the accuracy and speed in the location of mobile phones through the GPS system.

          Increase in the customer base due to efficiency, safety and responsibility in the service.

          Control and administration of the services assigned to each taxi generating statistics, managerial reports and management indicators.

          Establishment of areas and times of greatest demand for services.

          Personalized access via WEB and WAP for the owner of the vehicle and the administrative area of the taxi company.

          Detailed mapping, georeferencing of clients and points of interest.

          Due to the efficiency of the technological solution, the affiliation of more taxi owners, guaranteeing a greater number of services and advantages.

          Thanks to this solution, the use of radio frequencies and therefore the interception of a single conductor in each service is avoided.


          Benefits for the unit owner:

          The unit owner will be able to monitor his unit in real time.

          He will know the driver’s driving habits.

          It will monitor if the driver is really working on the assigned schedule.

          You will know if the driver enters risk areas.

          It will determine the risk zones with geofences.

          You will know the actual fuel cost.


          Benefits for the environment:

          Using the TAXI MS application continuously, taxis will be able to reduce their dead rolling by 20%, so that 50 kilometers per day can be reduced to the circulation of free taxis. This means significantly reducing CO2 emissions in Mexico City.

          Vehicles emit 150 grams. / Km. of CO2. The estimated reduction supposes, for a taxi drivers union like the one in Mexico City of 130,000 units, a reduction in CO2 emissions of approximately 1,000 tons per day, equivalent to between 360,000 and 370,000 tons per year.

          Reduction of wear and tear and consumption of tires, oil, (whose recycling problems are increasing) and spare parts.


          Information protection

          Systems based on the Mobility ONE platform have the ability to exchange data with a constant flow of information in online time.

          The data transmission is based on the encryption under own security algorithms for the operation in mobile devices.


          The App Taxi MS system has been designed to operate in two ways:

          The first is when the user (passenger) downloads from one of the online stores (Google Play or Apple Store), when downloading the app and installing it on their mobile phone, they can make the request for transport service through a direct charge to a bank card or cash payment. The system will show you the driver assigned for your service and the approximate time of arrival of the taxi, to pick it up at the indicated address.

          The second option is for the user to make a call to the call center of the Taxis site and there he will be assigned a Taxi for his service, through the use of the web portal.

          In both cases, the driver will receive a notification of the requested service and may or may not accept it, in this way the passenger will know that it was accepted and will proceed to go to the indicated address.

          Meanwhile, in the call center they will be able to follow up the taxi route from the acceptance of the service, until reaching the destination indicated by the user.

          Who is it for?

          The System for Taxi bases – App Taxi MS solution has been designed for taxi sites (taxi drivers) that seek to capture a greater number of passengers (clients), automate their process of attracting services, optimize work routes and provide efficient treatment to the customer.


          The functionality of each of the basic modules of the solution is described below.

          Security access: Security is presented when accessing the application within the mobile device, requesting a username and password.

          GPS geo-location: It locates through the integrated GPS device, having located the current position of the device user (taxi driver).

          Sending and accepting the service request: When the user locates the closest taxi to his current point, he proceeds to send the service request; the taxi driver decides whether to accept or not, if the user’s request is accepted, he goes to the address provided by the user to provide the service.

          Follow-up to route. The user can follow the route taken by the taxi driver, and share their location on social networks.

          Route supervision: The taxi base can have the entire workforce located and monitored.

          Optional Modules: The system has been designed in a modular way; therefore, it is possible to add functionalities according to the requirements of your process in the field. Optional functional modules: Not applicable.


          Mobile Dynamic App. User App (passenger): Application that is downloaded from google play or Apple Store and is used to request the transport service. Allows payment via bank card.

          Driver App: Android version application that allows you to receive service requests, accept or reject them, as well as make the trip to the passenger.

          Security. It has encryption algorithms based on 128-bit eliptical curve standards, in transmission and databases.

          Mobility Enterprise Portal. A call center service can be enabled to answer customer calls and assign the service to a driver from the portal. Management system for mobile users and visualization of reports and dashboard, which is accessed via the internet (web portal).

          Technical assistance. All the solutions contained in the Mobility ONE platform include technical assistance service during standard hours, which can be 24x7x365 (optional).

          Deployment. The solutions contained in the Mobility ONE platform can be implemented in SaaS mode = By subscription, it does not require infrastructure since all services are provided from the MSP cloud. On Premise = Implemented on your servers, it requires infrastructure in your company.

          Mobile Gateway Connect. Integration module (interface) for importing and exporting data from and to external databases in TXT format or via WS connection. Allows connection to secure electronic payment methods. (Negotiations with brokers are in charge of the client in each country).

          Integration capacity

          The solutions integrated in the Mobility ONE suite, have the ability to integrate various management systems in your company, thereby supplying and consulting data in real time to your internal system (ERP). These integrations require interface parameterization depending on the required scope. It does not include integration costs in the prices presented, since these will be set in each particular case of your company.

          The parameterization of the interface to your system is done through the use of the Gateway Connect developed by MSP, which
          uses direct connection Web Services. The system includes the download of information in MS-Excel and / or Text format.

          These integration services are independently priced, check with your assigned executive for the required scopes.

          Mobility ONE platform

          • Designed for Android OS / iOS

            Designed for Android OS / iOS

          • Highly flexible system adaptable to your operation

            Highly flexible system adaptable to your operation

          • Ready to install and use in your company.

            Ready to install and use in your company.

          • Deployment SaaS / On Premise

            Deployment SaaS / On Premise

          • Ability to connect to external management systems.

            Ability to connect to external management systems.

          Our offer
          of Value

          • Our systems have embedded the best practices of the sector to which they are directed, due to our experience in the processes obtained from market leaders.

          • Integral system made up of three basic components: Driver, Passenger and Web Call center

          • Manage your taxi fleet and provide a unique service experience to your customers.

          • Offer safety to your passengers thanks to route tracking and alerts.

          Results our clients have obtained


          increase the number of transport services.


          Reduces operating expenses in the transportation unit.


          Optimizes fuel consumption and helps the environment.

          Some of our customers

          • MSP
          • MSP